Zoé Fauvel
I try to console myself, knowing the closest I will ever get to these wonders is through my screen, 2019.
Bio: Tiohtiá:ke/Montréal-based artist, graduated from a BFA in Photography from Concordia University and recently completed a year abroad studying at Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar (Germany).
She believes in art as a form of experience, and experience as a form of knowledge, which drives her to explore photography in relation with installation and performance.
Her process is about creating a conversation between the physicality of the photographic object, its rendering and our encounter with it. Mainly working from research and experimentation as an impulse, she go through a back and forth of accumulation, appropriation and production of images as a starting point to create and generate ideas. After documenting the first stages of the work, she includes gestures of performance and playful interactions as a way to anchor my practice in a pursuit of an embodied experience.
À propos de l'oeuvre: Octobre 2017: La mission New Horizons de la NASA réussit à photographier Pluton lors de son plus proche passage à 12 500 km, permettant au public de voir à quoi ressemble la planète naine en détail pixellisé jusque dans Google Maps.
Désir et possession se traduisent dans le visuel par une tension sublime : Pluton, " la dernière frontière" de notre système solaire, est hors de notre portée physique dans la vie de tous les jours, mais nous devient intime au travers le vaste ensemble d'informations et de représentations produites à son sujet - la diffusion photographique en étant une parmi d'autres.
Entre supports médiatiques et années-lumière, cette œuvre traite de notre relation médiée avec ce corps céleste et de sa condition d'existence sous nos yeux.
Titre et année des photos (de haut en bas):
‘‘I try to console myself, knowing the closest I will ever get to these wonders is through my screen’’, This Region in Shadow During the New Horizons Flyby, 2019
‘‘I try to console myself, knowing the closest I will ever get to these wonders is through my screen’’, (134340), 2019
‘‘I try to console myself, knowing the closest I will ever get to these wonders is through my screen’’, Unfolding Tombaugh, 2019