William Daviau

Thomas at the border, 2019.

Bio: William Daviau is a Canadian photographer based in Montreal who’s currently completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography at Concordia University. His work has been exhibited as part of the group show RESIDUE at POPOP Gallery (2020) and other public collaborations with Quartier des Spectacles de Montréal and Projet Tabloïde (2021).

His artistic practice explores photography’s inherent ability to freeze and preserve intimate moments and memories. Fascinated by the silence and stillness indexed within the image-making process, he collects fragments of time as proof of its passage, like embalmed souvenirs carried across numerous futures. By showcasing primarily portraits of his close relatives and still sceneries from
his daily life, he aspires to make poetic quietness one of the aesthetic forms of his visual language. Through these naturally lit photographs, he wishes to offer eclectic storylines that emanate the vulnerability of life. When photographing, he is remembered his presence in time and accept the apprehension of death imposed by the camera’s shutter. Large-format photography, a slower
image-making process, allows him to unveil a sense of nowness often forgotten in this ever-growing technological era. Ultimately, his photographic practice concedes to see time itself for what it really is: silent moments filled with meaning.


16 décembre 2020 - 6 janvier 2021

Using Format